Download steam summer pockets
Download steam summer pockets

download steam summer pockets

Objectively, I feel these three elements in particular make this a notably good VN Firstly, the music and visuals are fantastic.

download steam summer pockets

So far pretty typical for the VN’s I have played I have three elements I believe make it objectively better, which I will get into first, and then some personal preferences I will mention. You then get to pick which route you want to progress with and uncover the story and secrets behind each character around whom that route is based around. As he arrives you meet the characters that will fill/flavour the story(s) you choose to engage in and get an introduction to their basic characters. It has a fairly typical setup of a boy (you) going to an island for the summer, supposedly to help out his aunt but really to escape his life which seems to have entered a downward spiral. Reviewing this as someone fairly new to visual novels, having only played little less than half a dozen previously, I have to say I felt this Reviewing this as someone fairly new to visual novels, having only played little less than half a dozen previously, I have to say I felt this game was a treat to play.

Download steam summer pockets