French battleship france world of warships
French battleship france world of warships

french battleship france world of warships

The Alsace's Washington displacement of 40k tons was for the N1 design, which had 3x3 15" guns, the N2 design with 3x3 16" guns had a Washington displacement of 42,500t and the N3 design which had 3x4 15" guns (and which seems to be your main inspiration for it) had a Washington displacement of 45,000t and a full load displacement of 56,000t. I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with Italian Battleships, do they have a flavor? At least the French designs and their fondness for quad turrets gave me a direction to design toward. I'm assuming that gun caliber dictates the weight of the ship partially, so my line of thinking is that a ship with 16, 15" guns would displace less then the Yamato, but I could be completely wrong. But it's all just guesswork, the other tier 10 Battleships have way more standard displacement. But I'm not a naval engineer so I just used the standard displacement of the Richelieu (35k), the added displacement to Alsace (40k Washington) to guestimate what the added turret and the added beam would add to displacement. Make a fake tier 10 Italian Battleship please!! I think WG might do something like your ship.

french battleship france world of warships

That displacement is the "Washington" displacement, right? It looks like its full load displacement would be ~70,000tĪlso, I agree that this looks viable, but I kept it within the realm of ships which were designed. I do appreciate such a lovely ship, just a few comments:

French battleship france world of warships